Author Topic: Change settings for all tabs selected in the new plotter in a single control  (Read 1497 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 58
Hello forum,

I'm new to the forum and very new to lisp.
I found this lisp "Mim", attached to the CADxp site that is super convenient when we changed plotter.
But is it possible to add extra options such as:
- The size of the paper,
- The orientation of the drawing,
- The choice of ctb
- Enable plot styles (yes / no).

Thank you in advance

Lee Mac

  • Seagull
  • Posts: 12934
  • London, England
These threads may be of interest:

You would configure/import your plot configuration (page setup) with the appropriate settings, and then use the above to apply it to all layout tabs.


  • Newt
  • Posts: 58

Thank you for your response and links.
Indeed these links are interesting, unfortunately it does not fit my needs.
The links are focused on printing.
What I look for is a lisp that when we replace our plotter with a new one can change the configuration of presentations with a single click:

- The size of the paper,
- The orientation of the drawing,
- The choice of ctb
- Enable plot styles (yes / no).

In our default dwg we have a dozen presentations and it is tedious to go into every presentation to change the configuration.

Thank you for your help
Best regards


  • Newt
  • Posts: 58
I have a question to the forum.
Does anyone know the command to open directly the layout of a presentation.
To open the layout manager is: "_.pagesetup" and layout?

thank you in advance
Best regards